What Are the Benefits of Cold Press Juicing?

There’s no doubt that freshly squeezed or pressed homemade juices are healthier than sugar-laden store-bought counterparts. 

But have you heard about cold-pressed juice? What’s the difference between that and regular fresh juice? Now, you may be wondering what’s so different and special about cold-pressed juice? The answer lies in the process of juicing and the type of equipment they use for it.

Many people, even some avid fresh juice fans, may not be aware of the fact that the type of juicer they choose plays an important role in making the juices healthier and more nutritious. 

Centrifugal juicers versus masticating juicers – which of them produces cold-pressed juices?

Centrifugal juicers are the conventional juicers that use ultra-fast spinning blades to extract the juice from fruits and vegetables. Because the metal blades have to spin quickly to tear apart produce and extract the juices from them, they generate heat. And that heat ends up breaking them the essential nutrients and enzymes in the produce. Apart from the heat, the rapid spinning of the blades allows air into the mix, oxidizing the juice and further breaking down the nutrients and enzymes.

The combination of heat and air from the fast-spinning blades that the centrifugal juicer uses removes the essential nutrients from the juices, leaving them with little or no nutritional value.

Masticating juicers, on the other hand, extract juices by pressing and grinding raw produce. Unlike centrifugal juicers, masticating juicers do not generate heat while extracting juice from raw fruits and vegetables, that’s why they’re also called cold press juicers. 

A masticating juicer uses pressure to squeeze the maximum amount of juice from raw fruits and vegetables. High-pressure processing preserves more of the fruits and vegetables that are typically lost when used with a centrifugal juicer. The result is a refreshing and tasty juice that retains most of its essential nutrients.

Benefits of cold-pressed juice

The juice produced from a masticating or cold press juicer may be high in calories because of how dense and concentrated it is. A regular bottle of cold-pressed juice is equal to two servings of it. However, it is way much better for your health through the following ways:

 Cold-pressed juice retains more vitamins, nutrients, enzymes, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants than juice produced from traditional juicing. Thus, you can get all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need, detoxify your body, boost your energy levels, and improve your immune system and overall health.

All ingredients in cold-pressed juice are 100% natural and organic – no added sugars and artificial preservatives.

You get more juice from cold press juicing than from traditional juicing.

 Cold-pressed juice has a better consistency. Since it retains much of the pulp and fiber from the fruits and vegetables, the juice comes out a little thicker and more concentrated. Some people prefer their fresh juices that way. But if you don’t, just add some water to make the juice a bit thinner.

 Since cold-pressed juice has a more concentrated flavor, it is a lot tastier. You can prepare a large batch of cold-pressed juice then store it properly. You will still have fresh-tasting juice about two weeks later.

Advantages of using a masticating juicer or cold press juicer

You can customize your own ingredients (you can add as many ingredients as you want. You can even add black pepper for a little zing to your fruit juice drink).

You can yield more quantities of juice.

You can enjoy the benefits of a more nutritious juice.

Masticating juicers create low noise. Some models are whisper-quiet, so you can easily use them without disturbing anyone.

Cold-press juicing is not a mere fad, as its benefits are boundless. You can invest in a good masticating or cold press juicer which will play an important role in keeping your body healthy, from inside out.