What is a Juice Cleanse?

Juice cleanses, also called a juice fast, is a detox diet that involves consuming only fruit and vegetable juice for at least one to three days. Most people who do the juicing cleans believe that drinking vegetable and fruit juices fill the body with healing nourishments while flushing waste and toxins. Aside … Read more

The Benefits of Grapefruit Juice

More and more people all across the globe are turning to juice for their everyday additional nutrient intake. Even if juicing alone is not enough to keep you healthy, it still can be an excellent way to add healthy food choices to your diet. One great fruit to juice are grapefruits, these … Read more

Risks of Juicing We Should Be Aware Of

The practice of juicing has been with us for the longest time; especially today, people have extensively adapted juicing to their diets. With a few clicks, you’ll get your screen filled with tons of juicing recipes online, which clearly shows how people and communities quickly jumped onto the trend. If we dig … Read more

Benefits of Adding Chia Seeds to Your Fruit Juice Drink

If you don’t know about chia seed yet, then you’ve got to brace yourself because you will have some new smoothies and juices to look forward to after you read this article. Chia seed is packed with health benefits and full of minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, and omega 3. Chia seeds come … Read more

Benefits of Adding Turmeric in Your Fruit Juice

Turmeric is a plant that contains about 300 antioxidants, and it is native in Southeast Asia. One great example of an antioxidant that can be found in turmeric is curcumin, it’s the most recognized and most studied antioxidant in turmeric. It is easy to add turmeric to your juice or blended drinks. … Read more

Benefits of Mango Juice

Mangoes are considered to be one of the world’s most delicious and healthiest fruits. In fact, some even call it “king of the fruits.” Mangoes come in different colors, such as reddish-orange, green, and yellow, along with its deep yellow pulpy interior. Aside from its mouth-watering taste, mangoes are also known for … Read more

Benefits of Honeydew Juice

Honeydew melon or also known as honey melon is a fruit that belongs to the melon family called Cucumis melo or muskmelon. Honeydew has a sweet flesh that is typically light green in color, along with its skin that has a white-yellow hue. It has a similar shape and size of a … Read more

Benefits of Cherry Juice

Cherry juice is a drink that is known for its several health benefits such as boosting the immune system, helping you to sleep better, and improving your memory. In fact, there is a lot of research that can back up these claims. Today, different types of cherry are cultivated around the world. … Read more

Benefits of Dragon Fruit Juice

The bright pink fruit undoubtedly looks exotic, and it is probably it has a mystical name, hence, the dragon fruit. Believe it or not, this fruit actually comes from the cactus family, and locals throughout South East Asia like to refer to this fruit in different names such as dragon crystal, dragon … Read more

Benefits of Pear Juice

Pear juice comes from pear plants, which can either be a shrub or a tree. This plant belongs to the Pyrus genus, and it is native in North Africa and certain parts of Europe. Today, you can now see and taste different cultivars of pears, and it is now grown around the … Read more