Getting the Right Amount of Pulp

a can containing mango pulp

The pulp of different fruits and vegetables is healthy and contains a lot of nutritious benefits. While juices are also not bad, you lose some important nutrients in the process of juicing, including Vitamin C, fiber, and flavonoids. However, pulp usually contains all the benefits of a fruit/vegetable. Therefore, to reap all … Read more

Best Oranges for Juicing at Home

Freshly squeezed orange juice is one of the greatest pleasures of life and an even greater/nutritious way to freshen up. We’ve all been juicing oranges at home, for as long as we can remember. However, note that all oranges are not the same. Some of them are perfect for juicing, such as … Read more

Can You Juice Ginger?

Asian cuisine has slowly become mainstream in America. That is why the use of fresh ginger as an ingredient is also getting popular. Back then, most American kitchens only used ginger powder, but now you will be able to see fresh ginger readily available in most produce sections of supermarkets. Ginger juice … Read more

Can You Juice Strawberries?

To directly answer the question, yes, you can juice strawberries. However, berries and strawberries are harder to juice than other vegetables and fruits because they have soft and mushy consistencies. That is why you might consider using a blender if you want some strawberry juice. Trust us, and once you juice strawberries, … Read more

Benefits of Honeydew Juice

Honeydew melon or also known as honey melon is a fruit that belongs to the melon family called Cucumis melo or muskmelon. Honeydew has a sweet flesh that is typically light green in color, along with its skin that has a white-yellow hue. It has a similar shape and size of a … Read more