Juicer vs. Blender

The liquid part is the juice for you to drink JuicerIt is well-established that increasing your fruits and vegetables intake is good for your health. The more fruits and vegetables you consume, the greater the health benefits you’ll get. A series of research findings and studies has shown that eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day can reduce the risk of getting sick and dying from cardiovascular diseases. But it can be difficult for most of us to eat the recommended five or more servings in one day. Juicing or blending fruits and vegetables can be an easier way to get your recommended daily intake.

Shoppers are usually confused by the common misconception that blending and juicing are one and the same thing. So what is the difference between juicing and blending and what kind of equipment do you need for each one?

Juicers and blenders are two very different machines, each with its own unique functions, features, and designs. Both process fruits and vegetables into a delicious, healthy drink. But the way they do it, as well as the end result or the product, are not the same at all.

A juicer separates the fiber from the produce. The liquid part is the juice for you to drink. The pulp that is left from the juicer is discarded, or can be used for sauces, stews, salsas, breads, cakes, muffins, omelettes, smoothies, and many other recipes. You get a concentrated liquid product that contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other phytonutrients.

A blender processes the whole produce, including the fiber. What you put in the blender is what you consume and what your body absorbs. Blending usually turns fruits and vegetables into a thicker drink, which is often called a smoothie. Unlike the juice, the smoothie takes longer to digest and would even make you feel full like eating a whole meal. You still get all the nutrients, but they are released more slowly.

Juicing provides a very nutritious beverage in a smaller amount of liquid. It’s important to keep in mind that the juice should have smaller portions than the blended beverage. It’s because only one small cup of juice is already loaded with sugars, and more sugars mean more unwanted calories. Juicing can also be a little more expensive than blending as you need to have a larger volume of ingredients.

Smoothies or blended beverages retain the the natural fibers which can help you feel fuller and improve your digestive health. You can also add other healthful ingredients to your smoothies like nuts, seeds, yogurts, etc. to increase your intake of healthy protein and fats.

Both juicing and blending can help you increase your fruit and vegetable consumption and reduce waste in the kitchen. You never have to see your fruits and vegetables go bad and end up in the trash bin, and you will save a lot of money in the process.

The “juicer vs. blender” question continues to be a hot debate among dieters and health buffs. Studies and research are still being done to improve these machines. But like so many other debates and issues, there is really no right or wrong that will suit everyone’s needs and wants. You may choose a blender or a juicer depending on your specific requirements or concerns towards nutrition or digestion, your budget, or just a personal preference for a specific type of drink. But if you have a considerable budget (and a well-equipped kitchen), you can have a blender and a juicer and enjoy the tremendous benefits of both machines. Top rated juicers and blenders are now readily available on the market. Don’t forget to read juicer reviews to make sure you are getting the best juicer that will be worth your money.